70% des fuites de données viennent de l’interne et la majeure partie est involontaire.
OP365, La solution efficiente de gestion de la gouvernance des données

Physical and digital system security continues to be a serious matter of concern. But at the same time, users’ actions must comply with security regulations. The exponential multiplication of the shares carried out for Microsoft 365 can undermine this compliance if not checked; it starts with individual responsibility within a collective framework.

OP365 - schema

It has been proven that 70% of data leaks are internal and that for the most part they are accidental. It is clear that some data is too widely accessible.

While traditional admin tools provide audits of events, giving a post process analysis and diagnostic summary, businesses lack solutions to manage and prevent increased data sharing.


Companies now need to improve the governance of access and collaborative spaces in M365 at affordable prices, without necessarily having to subscribe to an E5 plan.
If individual users can take control of their own data security at their own level, the overall security of the company is improved. In addition, IT is relieved of the burden of lots of tedious daily tasks.


This is what the OP365 solution (powered by Torsion IT) enables; it involves employees and gives them responsibility for their shares.
OP365 provides the user with a range of tools for visualisation, understanding and action.


For example, we can provide:


  • Information on the overall status of their shares,
  • A detailed listing of all accesses and permissions in force,
  • The history of permission changes,
  • Real-time detection of access compliance anomalies,
  • Control of the additions and revocations of access rights within a framework set by IT.


With this kind of tool, users share their data within a secure framework, guaranteeing the compliance of access rights with regard to the company’s business processes and constraints

IT will only need to put in place the recurring verification and certification process with users. They simply reply with a « yes » or « no » that they have validated (or not) the people who have access to their data.

The OP365 solution makes it possible to set up M365 access governance by users (with IT supervision) for a few euros.


Les fonctionnalités d'OP365

So why wait?

OP365 is at your disposal for a trial period

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