Identity Governance
Access rights governance based on identity analysis with RadiantOne.
Access Rights Governance
RadiantOne Identity Analytics is a multi-environment governance solution designed to streamline the rights review process by leveraging identity analysis.
Centralized Identity Management
Collecting and analyzing identities from various systems in your enterprise enables RadiantOne to build a comprehensive and correlated list of accounts and access rights.
AIDA, RadiantOne’s AI to expedite rights reviews
Artificial Intelligence AIDA guides users through the access rights review process within the RadiantOne platform. AIDA enables users to perform bulk processing in a single click, significantly reducing the duration of these reviews.
Modular Solution with Hundreds of Connectors
RadiantOne is a flexible, non-intrusive solution that can be deployed in SaaS or on-premise mode. It can connect to your directories, databases, SaaS applications, file servers, and identity management tools to provide a complete view of your ecosystem.
Secure Access Management with TrustBuilder
Identity Management
TrustBuilder simplifies access to resources by offering identity administration and flexible access rights management. As an Identity and Access Management (IAM) platform, TrustBuilder helps you identify, authenticate, and secure access to your sensitive data.
Secure Authentication
TrustBuilder simplifies multi-factor authentication (MFA) by providing a secure and user-friendly SaaS solution. With its proprietary algorithms, TrustBuilder is the only ANSSI-certified SaaS platform. TrustBuilder also offers advanced authentication features such as deviceless MFA authentication, allowing users to securely authenticate without needing to use their smartphones.
The TrustBuilder solution is compatible with most modern authentication systems such as OpenID Connect, SAML, Radius, LDAP. TrustBuilder also offers development kits (SDK) to interface with systems that are not yet supported by the solution.